Can we fix it? Yes we can!

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Sorry, This has been a long time coming but since Jen wakes up in the middle of the night and feeds the baby so I won't be tired at work, and is taking an online class, I'm the one in charge of the blog.

I guess we'll start at the beginning. when we got married. some of you probably haven't got any good pictures of that yet. I know. It's been almost two years since we've been married and we haven't even gotten our pictures for our wedding book developed. so here we go.

This is Jen and I in front of the Salt Lake temple with her family gathered around.

What a happy couple!

Mom blew this one up for us and we have it framed in our living room.

Cute Fountain picture.

another cute fountain picture

This is the quilt that my mom made for Jen. We like it alot!

That's it for now. I gotta go prepare a lesson for primary.

1 comment:

Rebecca Brand said...

Sweet wedding pictures! That was such a wonderful day! I love you guys! Hope to see you at the family reunion this Saturday!

Love, Rebecca