Can we fix it? Yes we can!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Fall time!

for some reason the blog editor is not showing the pictures, so I will just explain them all here. we recently painted our deck, it has been needing it since we moved in. I think it turned out very well. Miles has started eating solid foods and makes a funny face every time we feed him vegitables. I finally finished my trailer. Wade and I took the M-37 off road for an afternoon and got it there by pulling it on the trailer. We had a blast. Jen and I got to borrow her aunt's boat on labor day. we took it to Jordanelle res. and went fishing with the kids. all we caught were itty bitty fish. I grew giant pumpkins in our back yard this year. they didn't get huge due to a hail storm that completely destroyed all of the pumpkin leaves. oh well, maybe next year they will be bigger. our biggest one was 82 lbs. Miles got a kick out of the pumpkins.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Getting ready for summer!

Jen's mom decided to splurge this year and buy the boys a play set for Bryson's birthday.
It took me a full week to put together. I worked on it every day after work and almost two entire Saturdays. I got some help from Wade and my dad the first Saturday. Lots of pieces to keep track of!
one day while I was working on the play set, Bryson decides to disappear. I call around looking for him, I hear him respond, but I can't see him. then I see his head pop out of the upper garden. he was playing in the hole I dug for the sprinkler.

funny kid!

for Bryson's B-day we went to chuckie cheese's with the family. He and Jen's cousins had a blast.

Miles likes bath time much more than Bryson did when he was a baby. Miles hardly makes a peep through the whole experience. Miles has been relatively more easy going than Bryson was in general.


Sunday, April 4, 2010

Thursday night at around 9pm, Jen started complaining about having contractions 5 min. apart. she wasn't sure if we should go in or not, because she was induced last time and wasn't sure what labor contractions felt like. the contractions continued and according to her, they were intense and painful. I told her that I needed to get some sleep at around 11pm. Whether we were going to the hospital or not, I felt that some sleep would be nice. I fell asleep and 15 min. later she said that Christy and allen were coming over to watch Bryson and we were going to the hospital. I couldn't sleep after that. I got up and got dressed and packed. we left and got to the hospital around midnight. Jen got the epidural, and Miles came at 2:54 am. Miles was 6lbs. 13oz.

He looks a lot like Bryson did, but he is a lot more layed back. He is a lot quiter than Bryson was. He sleeps a lot more too.

Mommy and baby after birth.

close up!

Can you tell we were up all night? really? what gave it away?

Bryson came to visit his baby brother that morning and he kept saying "he's so cute!"

He wasn't really sure what this all meant. you could tell he wasn't thrilled to be replaced.

But Bryson missed us!

for how much Miles sleeps, Jen didn't get much sleep that day. Nurses kept coming in and asking questions and taking mesurements and poking and proding.

We can tell when Miles is hungry, he smacks his lips and sticks his tounge out.

I've been busy making things (as you will see in this post and the next). this is a trinket that I made for the Young men/young women's fundraiser auction. Flowers growing out of a horse shoe.

Bryson grew out of his crib a while ago, so we decided it was time for a big boy bed. I borrowed measurments and tools from my friend Wade, and this is what I came up with.

I just made the same bed twice and used dowels to connect the two. now Bryson and Miles will have a bed to sleep in.

Bryson absolutely loves it!

I grew a big beard over the last few months and this is what I had for a few days before I shaved the whole thing off. a lot of people at work and church did a double take. they weren't sure who they were looking at. I enjoyed seeing people's reactions.

Friday, January 1, 2010


Merry Christmas and happy New Year everyone! It's been a long time since I've blogged, but I've been really busy. December was a busy month! Here's our latest family picture. included in Jen's Belly is our soon to be latest addition, a baby boy 6 months in the making. Yippee!
Bryson can't stand loud noises like the vacuum, egg beater, and Dad's power tools. when we are using one of said Items, he hides in the closet and covers his ears. He has always had really sensitive hearing. Bryson found the newest easiest way to shed your skin in seconds flat. it's called the treadmill. He got his hand stuck in there and Jen had to shut it off quickly and rescue him.

He wore a bandage for about 3 weeks. He didn't like to do anything with his hand when we took the bandage off.

Bryson started potty training this week. He's so excited to wear his big boy undies!

Grandma Honey gave him these Thomas P.J's for Christmas. they are really nice!

The boys and I got to go out Christmas eve morning to play in the snow. We had a lot of fun slipping and sliding everywhere. Wade was the only one who had problems. he broke his axle. don't worry, we already fixed it and he's ready for more.

This was the white elephant gift that I gave at the Robson family Christmas party. I spent a few hours on it the night before and just used nuts and bolts and spare parts I found lying around. I think It turned out pretty good.