Can we fix it? Yes we can!

Sunday, December 2, 2007

This is what Wade and I did thanksgiving morning instead of playing "fooseball" with all the neighborhood boys. This is his new toy. a '97 Dodge Ram.
Bryson has recently learned to roll over. first from front to back, then with in the last couple days, from back to front. he really has to have something he really wants just out of reach to do that though. Jen told me that he has done it a few times while I was away at work. I hadn't seen him until I was playing with my new impact wrench on the floor next to him. he just had to see the new toys, I mean tools.
happy family!
this is Bryson's first tool. a 1/4 inch socket wrench.
I wonder what this tastes like.
These are just pictures of when I dressed Bryson up all schnazzy for church.

I even combed his hair.
Within the last month or two, Bryson discovered his feet. he enjoys them as much as any of his toys.

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